Veggiemuse Media and Promotion

Veggiemuse Media and Promotion

Thursday, June 15, 2006

"Local woman has art at her fingertips"

The East Greenwich Pendulum
By: Heather Lightner
May 4, 2006

"...When children are born, it is customary for hospital staff to take fingerprints and footprints - for parents, this piece of documentation is more cherished than a typed birth certificate - for it is indelibly stamped with the mark of someone unlike anyone else in the world.
Imagine that instead of tucking these prints away for posterity in a fire safe in the back of some dark closet, you could wear these fingerprints, close to your heart, for the world to see. This was Pam Vale's vision _ to create something that is not just a beautiful piece of jewelry, but something that is a keepsake."
"...As the wife of a Warwick police detective, Vale also wanted to provide a tangible memento for families, like hers, that had a loved one in a high risk job or family member with a life threatening illness. She also felt that the charms might bring comfort to spouses and families separated due to military deployments."
"...Creative Potential has worked with a variety of charities, among them, The Make a Wish Foundation...Vale's company is also donation a dollar for every (Family Jewels) charm sold at The Green Door to a local organization Plan USA. Plan USA is a local organization dedicated to helping children, their families and communities in forty-six developing countries around the world."

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